Genre Action-RPG
Publisher Sega
Developer Next Level Games
Console PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS
Captain America: The First Avenger will appear on cinema on July 22 the next. Three days earlier, gamers will first get the game adaptation, Captain America: Super Soldier.
Sega has announced Captain America: Super Soldier to arrive on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS on July 19, 2011. Previously, Sega also had to plan this game for the PSP handheld. However, the decision ultimately made up the PSP version had to be canceled.
Super Soldier performed with the scenario, adjusted according to the film version, starring Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson. Back to the roots of his franchise, the story this time to bring Captain America back on its origin and fight with the Nazis, led by Red Skull.
A number of enemies who never attended the comic can also be found in the game this time, like the Iron Cross and members of the terrorist group HYDRA. Gameplay it will emphasize the flexibility features hand-to-hand combat and platforming sections.